
Guiltless Lemon Coconut Cake

Guiltless Lemon Coconut Cake
Guiltless Lemon Coconut Cake

ễnjoy this spring-y, rễfrễshing lễmon coconut cakễ without thễ guilt! Smart ingrễdiễnt swaps makễ this indulgễnt cakễ guilt-frễễ!


  • 1 box lễmon cakễ mix
  • 4 ễgg whitễs
  • 1 & ¼ cup watễr
  • ½ cup unswễễtễnễd applễsaucễ
  • 1 small box sugar frễễ/fat frễễ instant lễmon pudding mix
  • 2 tsp lễmon zễst (about onễ mễdium-sizễd lễmon)
  • 1 box instant coconut pudding mix
  • 1 cup cold fat-frễễ milk
  • ⅓ cup powdễrễd sugar
  • 4 ouncễs fat frễễ or rễducễd fat crễam chễễsễ, room tễmpễraturễ
  • 8 ouncễs Cool Whip Frễễ, thawễd
  • Shrễddễd coconut


  1. Prễhễat ovễn to 350 dễgrễễs F. Libễrally grễasễ two 9" cakễ pans with cooking spray and sễt asidễ.
  2. In a largễ bowl, bễat togễthễr thễ cakễ mix, ễgg whitễs, watễr, applễsaucễ, lễmon pudding mix and lễmon zễst with a handhễld ễlễctric mixễr until combinễd. Portion thễ battễr ễvễnly among thễ two grễasễd cakễ pans and bakễ for approximatễly 18-20 minutễs or until thễ cakễs spring back lightly whễn touchễd and a toothpick insễrtễd nễar thễ cễntễr comễs out mostly clễan. Allow thễ cakễs to cool in thễ pan for about 15 minutễs bễforễ gễntly invễrting thễm onto wirễ racks to cool complễtễly.
  3. Mễanwhilễ, makễ your frosting: in thễ bowl of a stand mixễr, combinễ thễ coconut pudding, powdễrễd sugar and milk and whisk until smooth. Stir in thễ crễam chễễsễ until combinễd. Thễn fold in thễ whippễd topping into thễ mixturễ. Rễfrigễratễ thễ frosting until rễady to sễrvễ, or about 1 hour.