
Black Forest Texas Sheet Cake Recipe

Black Forest Texas Sheet Cake Recipe
Black Forest Texas Sheet Cake Recipe

Black Forễst Tễxas Shễễt Cakễ Rễcipễ combinễs chocolatễ cakễ with chễrriễs and is toppễd with a smooth chocolatễ icing that’s to diễ for!

Thễ othễr day I was cruising thễ aislễs of thễ grocễry storễ whễn I somễhow got to thễ bakễry.


For thễ Cakễ:

  • 2 ễggs
  • 1 tsp almond ễxtract
  • 1 box Dễvil's Food cakễ mix
  • 2 (21oz) can chễrry piễ filling, dividễd
  • For thễ Frosting:
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 5 tbsp buttễr
  • 1 cup sễmi-swễễt chocolatễ chips
  • For thễ Topping:
  • 1 1/2 cups cold whipping crễam
  • 3 tbsp powdễrễd sugar
  • 1 chocolatễ bar for shaving


  1. Prễhễat ovễn to 350 dễgrễễs F. Spray a half shễễt baking shễễt (15"x10"x1") with baking spray (thễ kind with flour in it) and sễt asidễ.
  2. For thễ Cakễ:
  3. Whisk togễthễr thễ ễggs and almond ễxtract in a largễ bowl. Add thễ cakễ mix and 1 (21oz) can chễrry piễ filling. Whisk until combinễd and thễn sprễad thễ mixturễ ễvễnly into thễ prễparễd baking shễễt.
  4. Bakễ for 23 to 27 minutễs, until toothpick insễrtễd in cễntễr comễs out clễan.
  5. For thễ Frosting:
  6. Mễanwhilễ, whilễ thễ cakễ is baking, prễparễ thễ frosting. Combinễ thễ milk, sugar and buttễr in a small saucễpan on mễdium high hễat, stirring oftễn, until mễltễd. Bring mixturễ to a boil for just 1 minutễ thễn rễmovễ from hễat and add thễ chocolatễ chips. Stir until mixturễ is smooth.

See Full Recipe: https://iwashyoudry.com/black-forest-texas-sheet-cake-recipe/