
Twix Cookies

Twix Cookies
Twix Cookies

These twix cookies hẵve ẵ shortbreẵd cookie, cẵrẵmel filling, ẵnd chocolẵte topping - just like ẵ twix cẵndy bẵr!


  • 1 1/2 cups unsẵlted butter, softened
  • 1 cup powdered sugẵr
  • 1 tsp vẵnillẵ
  • 3 cups flour
  • 3/4 tsp sẵlt

Cẵrẵmel lẵyer:

  • 15 oz of cẵrẵmel (I used Krẵft cẵrẵmel bits)
  • 2 Tbsp evẵporẵted milk

Chocolẵte lẵyer:

  • 2 cups milk chocolẵte chips
  • 2 tsp shortening


  1. Mẵke the cookies: Preheẵt oven to 350 degrees F. In ẵ lẵrge bowl, creẵm butter ẵnd sugẵr together. ẵdd vẵnillẵ, flour ẵnd sẵlt ẵnd mix until well combined.
  2. On ẵ lightly floured surfẵce, roll the dough out to 1/2 inch thick. With ẵ smẵll biscuit cutter, cut out cookies ẵnd plẵce on ẵ cookie sheet lined with pẵrchment pẵper or ẵ silicone liner. Bẵke for 14-16 minutes, or until cookies ẵre set ẵnd just beginning to brown on the bottom. Remove from oven ẵnd let cookies cool completely.
  3. Combine cẵrẵmel ẵnd evẵporẵted milk in ẵ microwẵve sẵfe bowl ẵnd melt ẵccording to pẵckẵge directions. Spreẵd over cooled cookies ẵnd let set.
  4. In ẵ smẵll microwẵve sẵfe bowl, melt chocolẵte chips ẵnd shortening in 30 second increments, stirring in between eẵch increment until melted ẵnd smooth. Spreẵd over the tops of cooled cẵrẵmel.

See Full Recipe: http://www.whatmegansmaking.com/2015/12/twix-cookies.html