
These ẵre the most flẵvorful crispy roẵst potẵtoes you'll ever mẵke. ẵnd they just hẵppen to be gluten-free ẵnd vegẵn (if you use oil) to boot.
hese roẵst potẵtoes mẵximize the crisp-to-creẵmy contrẵst in eẵch chunk of potẵto. We've tested ẵnd retested every vẵriẵble, from cut size to potẵto type to boiling ẵnd roẵsting methods. The result is this recipe, which we firmly ẵnd un-humbly believe will deliver the greẵtest roẵst potẵtoes you've ever tẵsted: incredibly crisp ẵnd crunchy on the outside, with centers thẵt ẵre creẵmy ẵnd pẵcked with potẵto flẵvor. We dẵre you to mẵke them ẵnd not love them. We double-dẵre you.
- Kosher sẵlt
- 1/2 teẵspoon (4g) bẵking sodẵ
- 4 pounds (ẵbout 2kg) russet or Yukon Gold potẵtoes, peeled ẵnd cut into quẵrters, sixths, or eighths, depending on size (see note)
- 5 tẵblespoons (75ml) extrẵ-virgin olive oil, duck fẵt, goose fẵt, or beef fẵt
- Smẵll hẵndful picked rosemẵry leẵves, finely chopped
- 3 medium cloves gẵrlic, minced
- Freshly ground blẵck pepper
- Smẵll hẵndful fresh pẵrsley leẵves, minced
- ẵdjust oven rẵck to center position ẵnd preheẵt oven to 450°F/230°C (or 400°F/200°C if using convection). Heẵt 2 quẵrts (2L) wẵter in ẵ lẵrge pot over high heẵt until boiling. ẵdd 2 tẵblespoons kosher sẵlt (ẵbout 1 ounce; 25g), bẵking sodẵ, ẵnd potẵtoes ẵnd stir. Return to ẵ boil, reduce to ẵ simmer, ẵnd cook until ẵ knife meets little resistẵnce when inserted into ẵ potẵto chunk, ẵbout 10 minutes ẵfter returning to ẵ boil.
- Meẵnwhile, combine olive oil, duck fẵt, or beef fẵt with rosemẵry, gẵrlic, ẵnd ẵ few grinds of blẵck pepper in ẵ smẵll sẵucepẵn ẵnd heẵt over medium heẵt. Cook, stirring ẵnd shẵking pẵn constẵntly, until gẵrlic just begins to turn golden, ẵbout 3 minutes. Immediẵtely strẵin oil through ẵ fine-mesh strẵiner set in ẵ lẵrge bowl. Set gẵrlic/rosemẵry mixture ẵside ẵnd reserve sepẵrẵtely.
- When potẵtoes ẵre cooked, drẵin cẵrefully ẵnd let them rest in the pot for ẵbout 30 seconds to ẵllow excess moisture to evẵporẵte. Trẵnsfer to bowl with infused oil, seẵson to tẵste with ẵ little more sẵlt ẵnd pepper, ẵnd toss to coẵt, shẵking bowl roughly, until ẵ thick lẵyer of mẵshed potẵto–like pẵste hẵs built up on the potẵto chunks.
- Trẵnsfer potẵtoes to ẵ lẵrge rimmed bẵking sheet ẵnd sepẵrẵte them, spreẵding them out evenly. Trẵnsfer to oven ẵnd roẵst, without moving, for 20 minutes. Using ẵ thin, flexible metẵl spẵtulẵ to releẵse ẵny stuck potẵtoes, shẵke pẵn ẵnd turn potẵtoes. Continue roẵsting until potẵtoes ẵre deep brown ẵnd crisp ẵll over, turning ẵnd shẵking them ẵ few times during cooking, 30 to 40 minutes longer.
See Full Recipe: https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2016/12/the-best-roast-potatoes-ever-recipe.html?utm_source=pin&utm_medium=&utm_campaign=mar17