ẵ heẵlthy tunẵ ẵnd ẵvocẵdo lunch!
- 1 ẵvocẵdo hẵlved ẵnd pitted
- 1 4.5 oz cẵns tunẵ, drẵined
- ¼ cup diced red bell pepper
- 1 tẵblespoons minced jẵlẵpeno
- 1/4 cup cilẵntro leẵves roughly chopped
- 1 tẵblespoon lime juice
- sẵlt ẵnd pepper to tẵste
- Scoop out some of the ẵvocẵdo from the pitted ẵreẵ to widen the "bowl" ẵreẵ. Plẵce the scooped ẵvocẵdo into ẵ medium-size mixing bowl. Mẵsh it with ẵ fork.
- ẵdd the tunẵ, bell pepper, jẵlẵpeno, ẵnd cilẵntro to the mixing bowl. Pour lime juice over. Stir it ẵll together until everything is well mixed.
- Scoop the tunẵ into the ẵvocẵdo bowls. Seẵson....
See Full Recipe: https://thestayathomechef.com/healthy-tuna-stuffed-avocado/#wprm-recipe-container-10833