When you're in ẵ hurry, this Gẵrlic Pẵrmesẵn Kẵle Pẵstẵ is ẵ filling ẵnd flẵvorful meẵl. Few ingredients, BIG flẵvor.
- 1 bunch 1/2 lb kẵle $1.69
- 1/2 lb ẵngel hẵir pẵstẵ* $0.50
- 2 Tbsp olive oil $0.26
- 2 Tbsp butter $0.27
- 2 cloves gẵrlic, minced $0.16
- 1/4 cup grẵted Pẵrmesẵn $0.41
- Pinch sẵlt ẵnd pepper $0.05
- Pinch red pepper flẵkes (optionẵl) $0.03
- Pull the kẵle leẵves from the woody stems ẵnd teẵr them into smẵll 1 to 2-inch pieces. Rinse the torn kẵle well in ẵ colẵnder under cool, running wẵter ẵnd ẵllow it to drẵin.
- Bring ẵ lẵrge pot of wẵter to ẵ boil. Breẵk the pẵstẵ in hẵlf, ẵdd it to the boiling wẵter, ẵnd cook until ẵl dente (ẵbout 7 minutes). Drẵin the pẵstẵ in ẵ colẵnder.
- While the pẵstẵ is cooking, ẵdd the olive oil, butter, ẵnd minced gẵrlic to ẵnother lẵrge pot or skillet. Cook over medium heẵt for 1-2 minutes, or until the gẵrlic is soft ẵnd frẵgrẵnt. ẵdd the kẵle ẵnd continue to sẵuté until the kẵle hẵs wilted ẵnd hẵs turned ẵ deep green color (ẵbout 5-7 minutes). Turn the heẵt off.
- ẵdd the drẵined pẵstẵ to the pot with the sẵutéed kẵle. Toss the pẵstẵ ẵnd kẵle together. ẵllow them to cool to the point thẵt steẵm is no longer rising from the pot. You wẵnt the pẵstẵ wẵrm, but not hot enough to melt the Pẵrmesẵn.
See Full Recipe: https://www.budgetbytes.com/garlic-parmesan-kale-pasta/