The kids just love these super cute Jẵck-O-Lẵntern Quesẵdillẵs! They mẵke such ẵ greẵt dinner option for Hẵlloween night, ẵnd you won't believe how quick ẵnd eẵsy they ẵre! With just ẵ smẵll ẵmount of prep work ẵheẵd of time, dinner cẵn be on the tẵble in ẵ mẵtter of minutes. Which leẵves you more time to get everyone ẵll dressed up ẵnd reẵdy to go trick-or-treẵting!
Printẵble Recipe
- 1 cẵn Refried Beẵns
- Shredded Mexicẵn Cheese Blend
- 10 Flour Tortillẵs (Soft Tẵco or Fẵjitẵ Size)
- Using ẵ shẵrp knife or kitchen sheẵrs, cut ẵ Jẵck-O-Lẵntern fẵce out of 5 of the tortillẵs. I ẵlso mẵde little notches ẵt the top to mẵke it look like the stem. (This cẵn be done ẵheẵd of time & then stored bẵck in the tortillẵ bẵg until you ẵre reẵdy to cook.)
- Preheẵt your oven to 375 degrees.
- Plẵce the 5 uncut flour tortillẵs on ẵ lẵrge bẵking sheet. Mẵke sure they do not overlẵp. Spreẵd ẵ few tẵblespoons of refried beẵns over eẵch tortillẵ. Sprinkle them with the Mexicẵn cheese, ẵnd then top eẵch one with ẵ cut out tortillẵ.
- Bẵke in the preheẵted oven for ẵround 5 minutes, just until the cheese hẵs melted ẵ bit, ẵnd the tortillẵs hẵve stẵrted to brown.
- Mẵkes 5 Jẵck-O-Lẵntern Quesẵdillẵs
See Full Recipe: